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Admission to K1 Classes in the 2025/26 School Year
(for children who were born before 31st December 2022)

School Registration No.



Starting from Sep 2023

Apply for a Registration Certificate

  • Please apply for the “Registration Certificate” for the child/ children

  • Parents can collect the application form from the school during office hours or from District Offices, Post Offices, or Regional Education Offices of the EDB.


Starting from 1st September 2023

Collection of application Forms (No quota)

You can collect it from the school office or download the application form from the school website.

All the children who have submitted the application form will be interviewed by the school.


Starting from 25th September 2023

Submit the application

  • Please submit the application form to the school office in person with the *relevant documents.

  • ​ Monday to Friday: 8:30 am-5:00 pm

  • Saturday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

  • Application Fee: $40.- by cash only.

* Photocopy of the applicant’s birth certificate,                    immunization record, and 3 recent photos.

   Three white envelopes, each with a mailing address,

   and an appropriate stamp ($2.2-) and write the

   student's name in the lower right corner.


4th November 2023

Interview Arrangement

  • The school will hold an interview day and time slots for the first round will be arranged by the school. 

  • Applicants can only be accompanied by 1 parent during the interview and interviews will be conducted in conversation and games. The interview will take around 30 minutes (Including the introduction).

  • When interviewing NCS children, interpretation and/or translation services for applicants will be provided where necessary; or parents and children are allowed to be accompanied by a Chinese-speaking relative/friend to facilitate communication. 
    Please contact us at 3196 4081 if an interpretation/translation service is required, please before 7 dates. 

        TEL:3196 4081                                                                             


Starting from 27th November 2023

Announcement of Admission Results

  • Notification letters will be sent separately to all applicants.


4th - 6th January 2024

Registration Arrangement

  1.   Admitted Letter and submitted the original of the “Registration Certificate” to the kindergarten.

  2.   Payment of the registration fee:                                                   AM/PM Class $ 970, Whole Day Class $ 1570

    • The registration fee will be counted in the tuition fee.

    • Our school reserves the right to cancel your admission for any late registration.

    • If parents wish to change school after registration, you must issue a written notice to our school. The registration fee will not be refunded.

    • Applicants on the waiting list: Parents will be informed by phone there is a vacancy and should complete the registration according to the specified date in person.

  3. 2 Self-addressed stamped envelopes (with the $2- stamp and the student’s name at the bottom right of the envelopes.)

  4. School miscellaneous fees (school uniform, textbook, etc) will be posted before new student adaption week.


Admission Arrangements

  1. In accordance with the enrollment capacity of the school.

  2. Children with outstanding performance during the interview.

  3. Priority is given to:

  • Residing in the same neighborhood as the school.

  • Priority is given to the applicants whose siblings are currently attending Spring View Kindergarten.

  • Graduate parent(s) or sibling(s) will be considered a priority.

  • Priority is given to the applicant from families in need of whole-day classes.


Remark 1:  

If children with outstanding performance in interviews outnumbered the enrolment capacity, random balloting will be practiced.

Remark 2:

As the number of school places is limited, please understand that not all applicants fulfilling the priority consideration will be guaranteed a school place.

Application Form Download

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