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Message from the principal

Our school, guided by inclusive education, provides an appropriate school-based curriculum for students of different nationalities, religions, and family backgrounds. We aim to create a joyful and meaningful school life for students, helping them develop well in terms of knowledge, attitudes, and skills to equip them for the challenges of further education.

Furthermore, our teachers firmly believe in the learning process of "learning by doing" where students coordinate the learning from participation where they appreciate, understand, and reconstruct their experience. In addition to organizing various in-school learning activities, our school arranges diverse off-campus activities every year, such as visits, performances, and competitions, to provide students with different learning experiences and showcase their diverse talents. Over the past year, our students have demonstrated excellent talents in various competitions, achieving commendable results. They have received awards in competitions including the Territory-wide Young Children's English Song Singing Contest, Hong Kong Schools Music Choral Competition, Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol Competition, GAPSK Competition, Hong Kong Kindergarten Putonghua Competition, Cha Duk Chang Children's Cantonese Opera Competition, " Eastern District Model Students Award," and various primary competitions within the district, bringing us great joy and pride.

Principal Leung Yuk Yee

Most of our graduates have been able to enter their desired primary schools, such as Kau Yan School, St. Paul's Co-educational College Primary School, HKUGA Primary School, Hon Wah College (Primary Section), CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay), The H.K.C.W.C. Hioe Tjo Yoeng Primary School, SKH Chai Wan St. Michael's Primary School, Canossa School Hong Kong, Shaukiwan Tsung Tsin School, and Pui Kiu Primary School.

Due to our well-structured Primary One bridging curriculum that aligns with the local primary schools and our students' solid foundation, we have received positive feedback from graduates who have achieved excellent academic results. We are delighted to learn from the success stories shared by the graduates themselves, as well as from primary school principals and parents. We will continue approaching our work with gratitude and joy, striving for progress and excellence.

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